LEVEL: Intermediate - Advanced
Rhythm is one of the fundamentals of music and the wonderful thing is - there are infinite possibilities!
Once you get your head around the basics of rhythm then you can start layering them on top of each other and you can make any number of crazy rhythmic puzzles...these puzzles are often called - POLY RHYTHMS.
Let BDMA drum tutor Adam take you through some great fills (rhythmic patterns often used by drummers) and some of these polyrhythms with his handy sheets - download them and have a go!*
*some of these are written in drum notation which you may not be familiar with. Even though the notes look different the rhythms read the same, so you will still be able to have a go!

Groove is how a piece feels rhythmically and it is something that a lot of instrumentalists other the drummers often don't get a chance to really explore and it's a really important and (more importantly) a really fun part of music. See if you can master this simple groove pattern in 4/4!
Fantastic work! And this is just the start, you can layer up rhythms any way you like so have a go and see what you can achieve...