t&cS & GDPR
Q: Where can I find your terms and conditions?
A: Right here, download a copy now!
BDMA Terms & Conditions 2021_22 (V1.7)-2
You can also download our GDPR policy here ;
GDPR Privacy Policy

Q: Do pupils have the opportunity to perform?
A: Yes. The Becky Dell Music Academy puts on two free concerts each year, one at Christmas and one in Summer, in which all pupils are encouraged to take the opportunity to perform in front of their family and peers. Other opportunities also arise throughout the academic year (we previously hosted a jazz jam at Olivers in Greenwich and a Steinway concert at a Steinway showroom!). We believe that performance is an important aspect of learning an instrument – it’s a great confidence builder and great fun!
Q: If needed, do you have accompanists available within the academy to accompany me or my child in the BDMA concerts?
A: Yes. BDMA has a lovely tutors who are happy to be your accompanist and can play for you and if needed.
Q: How much do concerts cost and who can come?
A: The concerts are completely complimentary (including all our yummy snacks and soft drinks, although there is a paid bar available for anyone who wants a more grown up drink) and we welcome everyone! All friends and family are welcome.

Grades & exams
Q: Where can I find the exam dates?
The great news is that in person Trinity exams are back! Read all about Trinity updates HERE and book your exam online below.
Q: How do I book an exam?
A: It's very easy. Both Trinity and ABRSM have great online booking systems - click below!
CLICK HERE; Trinity Booking System
CLICK HERE; ABRSM Booking System
Q: What are the arrangements for accompanying a music exam?
A: Our tutors are available to accompany music exams but there is an additional charge to this. As we have a lot of students, we can easily end up playing for 6 – 8 exams/Sundays a year and so the additional charges are as follows:
- Accompanying the exam: £73.60. This is to cover the time spent getting to and at the exam centre and for learning the music.
- Accompanying the exam and a private lesson beforehand at home: £110.40. As above, plus a 30 minute lesson at home before hand.
If you have two children doing exams at the same time you will be pleased to know there is not a second charge for the second child. Unless you wish them to have another warm up lesson at home before hand, which will be another £36.80 or pro rata for the time spent.
Theoretically you should get a 10 min warm up at the exam centre, but this very much depends on whether they are running early/late and if you have other students before or after doing exams.
I would advise an extended warm up/last minute rehearsal at home the day of the exam, but I appreciate this adds on money, so it is up to you. If you decide not to do it, I would advise a 30 min warm up session for the child which they need to do themselves so they are well warmed up and prepared when they arrive at the exam centre.
You are of course very welcome to find your own accompanist, but you will find the prices are very comparable and your child has the advantage of knowing and trusting their tutor!
If you have any outstanding lessons, or by mutual consent you and your tutor decided to skip a lesson after the exam, you are welcome to use lessons to pay or part pay for the exam accompanying fee.

Q: What do you charge?
A: Our rate is £36.80 per 30 minutes. A minimum of 6 weeks notice will be given before any change of fee and there will never be more than one price increase in any academic year.
Q: How do I pay for lessons?
A: Fees are paid by standing order on the 1st of every month. An annual fee is worked out (34 weeks x lesson cost) and divided evenly across 10 months of the year (Sept - June). When you join BDMA our accounts manager will work out your standing order amount for you once you are settled.
Q: Should I choose to leave the academy, do I need to give notice?
A: Yes, a minimum of 6 week’s notice is required if you wish to terminate lessons. You will be required to sign a contract when you start lessons at the academy, but it is more important for us to find you the right teacher and ensure you are settled than immediately signing a contract.

Q: What is the BDMA referral scheme?
A: At BDMA we have a referral scheme in place so we can give a proper thank you to anyone in our community that helps us welcome in new families.
If you recommend us to a new family who ends up joining the academy and who ends up having a minimum of 6 lessons with us, then we will reward you with a COMPLIMENTARY LESSON that you can use in any way you like! You can have a longer lesson with your current tutor, let another sibling try a lesson or even try a new instrument.
We really love it when our local community grows by word of mouth so if you would like to be a part of our referral scheme then all you need to do it tell you friends!

Q: Do you have a catchment area?
A: Yes, our pre COVID-19 catchment area was limited solely to the Blackheath & Greenwich (London) areas for two main reasons; Firstly, our tutors are all local, home visiting professionals, so out of fairness to them we strive to keep their travel time to a minimum. Lastly, we pride ourselves on our happy local community ethos!
During the COVID-19 lockdown we have been providing our families with virtual lessons and we are happy to provide online lessons with anyone, anywhere.
Q: Can I change lesson times or must they be at the same time every week?
A: We agree on a set weekly time for lessons. Should you wish to change this lesson time either temporarily or permanently, you must discuss this with the tutor and any changes made are at the tutor’s discretion. Please do bear in mind that the tutors have busy schedules and other pupils, so are not obliged to agree to changes in lesson time.
Q: What if this system doesn't work for me or I can't facilitate regular weekly lessons?
A: Don't fret, we have another system in place just for you. While 90% of our clients prefer to have a regular, weekly, term time slot, the remaining 10% of our students (particularly our adult students) have ad hoc lessons. This is done by purchasing a block of lessons (usually in blocks of 5 or 10) and using them as and when you like!
Q: How long are your lessons?
A: This depends on the pupil’s age, ability level and personal requirements; we recommend 30 minute lessons for younger or less advanced pupils, but as they develop they may wish to increase their lesson times to 45 mins or 1 hour.
Q: How do I ensure that the tutor is right for me/my child?
A: Having the right tutor is the most important thing and we take it very seriously. We hand pick every tutor for you based on your criteria and even offer a money back guarantee on the first lesson. All of our tutors are very friendly, easy going and reliable and have been hand picked for the job, so you’re in safe hands!
Q: Do you teach adults as well?
A: Yes, definitely! We proudly offer lessons to anyone that wants to learn music.
Q: Do you teach those with SEND? Are you all CRB/DBS checked?
A: We welcome all students with open arms making our courses inclusive and accessible. If the person learning music has any SEND please let us know, as some of our tutors are more specialised in teaching those students.
We are all CRB/DBS checked and can provide these on request.
Q: What should I do if my child is thinking of stopping?
A: It’s important to make sure whatever the decision, it is the right one for your child. Have a look at our blog post “So your child is thinking of stopping” which gives some insight into a few of the reasons your child might want to stop and how to deal with the decision process.
Q: Do you offer a scholarship?
A: Yes, we are delighted that our first scholarship was launched in the academic year of 2014/15.
We have consistently provided lessons on scholarship to a number of students to the present day through this scheme, generously facilitated by parents and friends of the BDMA family.
If any parents or supporters have any surplus instruments that they would like to donate to the cause, please do get in touch with us. Equally, if any parents would like to pay for another full or partial scholarship place, please get in touch.