
Piano Stools – What, where and why?

It may not seem like a big part of playing the piano but you would be surprised how much of a difference a proper piano stool can make.

Firstly, and in the simplest terms, we are all different sizes and the pianos – they are not.

Even the most simple little pieces can be made so much harder when we are too low down at the piano and from the word go you are learning bad technique, through no fault of your own, making everything more frustrating and more difficult – and where is the fun in that?!

Being at the right height at the piano and, crucially with little ones, being able to adjust that height as we grow means we give ourselves the best shot at keeping our technique and our bodies strong and healthy. Our shoulders can stay relaxed, our arms and hands can rest comfortably allowing us to use our natural weight on the keys and we stay altogether happier and more productive!

There are some great adjustable piano stools available, potentially a one time purchase that can span all the way through a students piano education.

Here are some options we have found –

Standard, affordable and most importantly – adjustable!


Choose and customise your own colours!


And with a storage compartment.


If you don’t have one with storage you can quite easily pop your music in these magazine holders –

http://www.paperchase.co.uk/catalogsearch/result/?q=magazine+rack  – (or the equally good £2 jobs at IKEA!)

For something a little more ornate and mid-market…


Or for something truly special, the king of all piano stools…


In fact, we love all the Coach House stools and Becky has one herself and thoroughly recommends them!


Good luck and happy practice!