


Q: Where can I find your terms and conditions?

Right here, download a copy now! - BDMA Terms and Conditions (23_24) V1.9

You can also download our GDPR policy here – GDPR Privacy Policy

q: Do you have a catchment area?

A: Yes, our catchment is limited to the Blackheath & Greenwich (London) areas for two main reasons;

Firstly, our tutors are all local, home visiting professionals, so out of fairness to them we strive to keep their travel time to a minimum.

Lastly, we pride ourselves on our happy local community ethos!

However, some GOOD NEWS - we now be offering a lessons at our premises at Mycenae House so if you are out of our catchment but can get to Mycenae House then make sure you ask for one of those slots!

If you are unsure whether you fall within our catchment area don't hesitate to get in touch!


This is a graphic of the Becky Dell Music Academy catchmet area, covering both Greenwich and Blackheath. A pink line outlies the catchment area with a large purple pin marking the BDMA office at Mycenae House.

Q: Do pupils have the opportunity to perform?

A: Yes. The Becky Dell Music Academy puts on two complimentary concerts each year, one at Christmas and one in Summer, in which all pupils are encouraged to take the opportunity to perform in front of their family and peers.

Other opportunities also arise throughout the academic year (we previously hosted a jazz jam at Olivers in Greenwich and a Steinway concert at a Steinway showroom!).

We believe that performance is an important aspect of learning an instrument – it’s a great confidence builder and great fun!

Q: Can I change lesson times or must they be at the same time every week?

A: We agree on a set weekly time for lessons. Should you wish to change this lesson time either temporarily or permanently, you must discuss this with the tutor and any changes made are at the tutor’s discretion. Please do bear in mind that the tutors have busy schedules and other pupils, so are not obliged to agree to changes in lesson time.

What are our term dates?


THE DATES FOR 2024-2025 ARE:

Weeks 1 - 7 (7 weeks): w/b Sept 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th, Oct 7th, 14th

Half Term (2 weeks) - 21st Oct - 3rd Nov

Weeks 8 - 13 (6 weeks): w/b Nov 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th, Dec 2nd, 9th

Christmas (3 weeks) - w/b Dec 16th, 23rd, 30th

Weeks 14 - 19 (6 weeks): w/b Jan 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th, Feb 3rd, 10th

Half Term (1 week) - w/b 17th

Weeks 20 - 24 (5 weeks): w/b Feb 24th, March 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th

Easter (3 weeks) - w/b March 31st, April 7th, April 14th

Weeks 25 - 29 (5 weeks): w/b April 21st, 28th, May 8th, 15th, 19th

Half Term (1 week) - w/b May 26th

Weeks 30 - 34 (5 weeks): w/b June 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd, 30th

Q: How do I pay for lessons?


A: Fees are paid by standing order on the 1st of the month for 10 months. An annual fee is worked out (34 weeks x lesson amount) and spread evenly across 10 months of the year.

Our Accounts Manager, Jess will advise all new parents and will always be available if you're unsure.

Q: What do you charge?

A: Our rate is £40 per 30 minutes.

A minimum of 6 weeks notice will be given before any change of fee and there will never be more than one price increase in any academic year.


We have helped our students through 250 + exams and have not had a single student fail yet!


When it comes to exams (other than piano) you will most likely need an accompanist to join you.

Luckily many of our tutors will accompany their students in exams and those that do not can hand that pleasure over to another available BDMA tutor!

The costing for exam accompaniment is as follows;

The Exam: £80

Rehearsals: £40 per 30 minutes.


With Trinity and ABRSM's fab and easy online booking systems it is easier than ever for our parents to book their children in for exams and we recommend doing during the lessons with our tutors!

And the good news is that in person exams are back - read more about Trinity's updates here.



Trinity have made it so much easier to book in your exam online - follow the links below for all the information you need to book your exam today!






CLICK HERE for all the exam and entry dates.

Q: How do your term dates fit in with my child’s school term dates?


A: We have formulated our term dates based on the term dates of the local schools that most of our pupils attend and have a 34 week academic year. See our term dates above!

Q: Do you teach adults as well?

A: Yes! Some people think we are a music academy for children but we are happy to offer lessons to anyone that wants to learn music and our adult student numbers are growing every day. We even have a parent's band so if your children are a part of the academy don't let them have all the fun!

Q: Are pupils able to book extra lessons, for example, in the holidays?

A: Yes, pupils can book extra lessons. A separate invoice will be sent for each additional lesson and the fee will be the same as the fee for scheduled term time lessons.

q: do you have a piano tuner?

A. We are proud to have a professional relationship with Adrian who has more than 30 years' experience tuning pianos.

email: info@adriansteele.co.uk

Let him know you've come through the Becky Dell Music Academy!

q: do you know a piano movers?

MATCO are the piano movers we recommend at BDMA. Moving a piano can be a big hassle so it's important to have someone you trust.

email: piano@matcomoves.com
web: www.matcomoves.com


Q: How long are your lessons?

A: This depends on the student’s age, ability level and personal requirements; we recommend 30 minute lessons for younger or less advanced students, but as they develop they may wish to increase their lesson times to 45 mins or 1 hour.

Q: How do I ensure that the tutor is right for me/my child?

A: We offer a money back guarantee on your first lesson with the tutor that we believe to be right for you, based on the pupil's personality and interests.

All of our tutors are very friendly, easy going and reliable and have been hand picked for the job, so you’re in safe hands!

Q: Do you offer a scholarship?

A: Yes, we are delighted that our first scholarship was launched in the academic year of 2014/15.   

We have consistently provided lessons on scholarship to a number of students to the present day through this scheme, generously facilitated by parents and friends of the BDMA family.

If any parents or supporters have any surplus instruments that they would like to donate to the cause, please do get in touch with us. Equally, if any parents would like to pay for another full or partial scholarship place, please get in touch.

Q: Not in our catchment area?


We are happy to recommend some other like minded music schools:

South-west London




Lessons in central London

Q: Do you teach those with SEND? Are you all CRB/DBS checked?

A: We welcome all students with open arms making our courses inclusive and accessible. If the person learning music has any SEND please let us know, as some of our tutors are more specialised in teaching those students.

We are all CRB/DBS checked and can provide these on request. 


Unfortunately, as a small arts organisation it is hard for us to offer discounts or sibling discounts. To give you an idea where all the money that comes into BDMA goes, have a look at this handy graphic.

How we take care of the planet!

As part of our ongoing commitment to the environment, we undertook an Eco Audit of our office and travel in 2022. Below you can see exactly how we all get around to teach your music lessons!

To be carbon neutral in our business we have signed up with Bristol based climate solutions company - Ecologi.

You can sign up as a business OR as an individual with Ecologi, so if you are interested in looking into offsetting at least some of your own carbon - have a look!